My rating: 4 of 5 stars
What a great book! Poughkeepsie has a bit of everything - romance, drama, suspense, comedy and so much more. You will experience every single emotion and will definitely fall in love with the diverse group of characters as you read this book.
The story revolves around three "brothers", Blake an intense homeless man who falls in love with the smiling Livia, Cole whose priestly ambitions are thwarted by Kyle (Livia's wild sister) and my favourite character Beckett, the larger than life, self-appointed protector of the three.
At first I thought that Livia would be one of those perfect and therefore completely unbelievable characters, but her interactions with her wild sister Kyle, make her more human. Her sister is a blast and her shocking conversations will have you laughing out loud.
The only character that wasn't completely believable was Eve, who, motivated by the need for revenge, has trained herself to become a killing machine. This is in direct contrast to her pre-tragedy nature which was soft and caring and completely in love with children. If there is a sequel I am sure that Debra Anastasia will explore this contrast in more detail. I do hope there is a Poughkeepsie 2.
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